1 It pleasedDariusto setoverthe kingdoman hundredand twentyprinces, which should beover the wholekingdom;2 And overthesethreepresidents; of whomDanielwasfirst: thatthe princesmightgiveaccountsunto them, and the kingshould havenodamage.3 ThenthisDanielwaspreferredabovethe presidentsand princes, becausean excellentspiritwasin him; and the kingthoughtto sethim overthe wholerealm.
4 Thenthe presidentsand princessoughtto findoccasionagainst Danielconcerningthe kingdom; butthey couldfindnoneoccasionnorfault; forasmuch as he wasfaithful, neitherwas there anyerroror faultfoundin him.5 Thensaidthesemen, We shall notfindanyoccasionagainstthisDaniel, exceptwe finditagainst him concerning the lawof his God.6 Thenthesepresidentsand princesassembled togetherto the king, and saidthusunto him, KingDarius, livefor ever.nassembled…: or, came tumultuously7 Allthe presidentsof the kingdom, the governors, and the princes, the counsellors, and the captains, have consulted togetherto establisha royalstatute, and to make a firmdecree, that whosoever shall aska petitionofanyGodor manforthirtydays, saveof thee, O king, he shall be castinto the denof lions.ndecree: or, interdict8 Now, O king, establishthe decree, and signthe writing, that it be notchanged, according to the lawof the Medesand Persians, which alterethnot.naltereth not: Chaldee, passeth not9 WhereforekingDariussignedthe writingand the decree.
10 Now when Danielknewthat the writingwas signed, he wentinto his house; and his windowsbeing openin his chambertowardJerusalem, he kneeleduponhis kneesthreetimesa day, and prayed, and gave thanksbeforehis God, ashe didaforetime.11 Thenthesemenassembled, and foundDanielprayingand making supplicationbeforehis God.12 Thenthey came near, and spakebeforethe kingconcerningthe king'sdecree; Hast thou notsigneda decree, that everymanthat shall aska petitionofanyGodor manwithinthirtydays, saveof thee, O king, shall be castinto the denof lions? The kingansweredand said, The thingistrue, according to the lawof the Medesand Persians, which alterethnot.13 Thenansweredthey and saidbeforethe king, That Daniel, which isofthe childrenof the captivityof Judah, regardethnotthee, O king, nor the decreethat thou hast signed, but makethhis petitionthreetimesa day.14 Thenthe king, when he heardthesewords, was soredispleasedwith himself, and sethisheartonDanielto deliverhim: and he labouredtillthe going downof the sunto deliver him.15 Thenthesemenassembleduntothe king, and saidunto the king, Know, O king, that the lawof the Medesand Persiansis, That nodecreenor statutewhich the kingestablishethmay be changed.16 Thenthe kingcommanded, and they broughtDaniel, and casthiminto the denof lions. Nowthe kingspakeand saidunto Daniel, Thy Godwhom thouservestcontinually, he will deliver thee.17 And astonewas brought, and laiduponthe mouthof the den; and the kingsealedit with his own signet, and with the signetof his lords; that the purposemight notbe changedconcerning Daniel.
18 Thenthe kingwentto his palace, and passed the nightfasting: neitherwere instrumentsof musick broughtbeforehim: and his sleepwentfrom him.ninstruments…: or, table19 Thenthe kingarosevery earlyin the morning, and wentin hasteunto the denof lions.20 And when he cameto the den, he criedwith a lamentablevoiceunto Daniel: andthe kingspakeand saidto Daniel, O Daniel, servantof the livingGod, is thy God, whom thou servestcontinually, ableto deliverthee fromthe lions?21 ThensaidDanieluntothe king, O king, livefor ever.22 My Godhath senthis angel, and hath shutthe lions'mouths, that they have nothurtme: forasmuch asbeforehim innocencywas foundin me; and alsobeforethee, O king, have I donenohurt.23 Thenwas the kingexceedinggladfor him, and commandedthat they should takeDanielupout ofthe den. So Danielwas taken upout ofthe den, and nomannerof hurtwas foundupon him, because he believedin his God.
24 And the kingcommanded, and they broughtthosemenwhich had accusedDaniel, and they casttheminto the denof lions, them, their children, and their wives; and the lionshad the masteryof them, and brakealltheir bonesin piecesor everthey cameat the bottomof the den.
25 ThenkingDariuswroteunto allpeople, nations, and languages, that dwellin allthe earth; Peacebe multiplied unto you.26 Imakea decree, That in everydominionof my kingdommen trembleand fearbeforethe Godof Daniel: for he isthe livingGod, and stedfastfor ever, and his kingdomthatwhich shall notbe destroyed, and his dominionshall be evenuntothe end.27 He deliverethand rescueth, and he workethsignsand wondersin heavenand in earth, who hath deliveredDanielfromthe powerof the lions.npower: Chaldee, hand28 So thisDanielprosperedin the reignof Darius, and in the reignof Cyrusthe Persian.