1 Nebuchadnezzarthe king, unto allpeople, nations, and languages, that dwellin allthe earth; Peacebe multiplied unto you.2 I thoughtit goodto shewthe signsand wondersthat the highGodhath wroughttoward me.nI thought…: Chaldee, It was seemly before me3 Howgreatarehis signs! and howmightyarehis wonders! his kingdomisan everlastingkingdom, and his dominionisfromgenerationto generation.
4 INebuchadnezzarwasat restin mine house, and flourishingin my palace:5 I sawa dreamwhich made me afraid, and the thoughtsuponmy bedand the visionsof my headtroubled me.6 ThereforemadeIa decreeto bringin allthe wisemenof Babylonbeforeme, that they might make knownunto me the interpretationof the dream.7 Thencamein the magicians, the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers: and Itoldthe dreambeforethem; but they did notmake knownunto me the interpretation thereof.
8 But atthe lastDanielcame inbefore me, whose namewasBelteshazzar, according to the nameof my god, and in whom isthe spiritof the holygods: and beforehim I toldthe dream, saying,9 O Belteshazzar, masterof the magicians, because Iknowthat the spiritof the holygodsisin thee, and nosecrettroubleththee, tellme the visionsof my dreamthat I have seen, and the interpretation thereof.10 Thus werethe visionsof mine headinmy bed; I saw, and beholda treein the midstof the earth, and the height thereof wasgreat.nI saw: Chaldee, I was seeing11 The treegrew, and was strong, and the heightthereof reachedunto heaven, and the sightthereof to the endof allthe earth:12 The leaves thereof werefair, and the fruitthereof much, and in it wasmeatfor all: the beastsof the fieldhad shadowunderit, and the fowlsof the heavendweltin the boughsthereof, and allfleshwas fedof it.13 I sawin the visionsof my headuponmy bed, and, behold, a watcherand an holy onecame downfromheaven;14 He criedaloud, and saidthus, Hew downthe tree, and cut offhis branches, shake offhis leaves, and scatterhis fruit: let the beastsget awayfromunder it, and the fowlsfromhis branches:naloud: Chaldee, with might15 Neverthelessleavethe stumpof his rootsin the earth, even with a bandof ironand brass, in the tender grassof the field; and let it be wetwith the dewof heaven, and lethis portionbewiththe beastsin the grassof the earth:16 Let his heartbe changedfromman's, and let a beast'sheartbe givenunto him; and let seventimespassover him.17 This matterisby the decreeof the watchers, and the demandby the wordof the holy ones: tothe intentthat the livingmay knowthat the most Highrulethin the kingdomof men, and givethit to whomsoeverhe will, and setteth upoverit the basestof men.18 ThisdreamIkingNebuchadnezzarhave seen. Now thou, O Belteshazzar, declarethe interpretationthereof, forasmuch asallthe wisemenof my kingdomare notableto make knownunto me the interpretation: but thouartable; for the spiritof the holygodsis in thee.
19 ThenDaniel, whose namewasBelteshazzar, was astoniedfor onehour, and his thoughtstroubledhim. The kingspake, and said, Belteshazzar, let notthe dream, or the interpretationthereof, troublethee. Belteshazzaransweredand said, My lord, the dreambeto them that hatethee, and the interpretationthereof to thine enemies.20 The treethat thou sawest, which grew, and was strong, whose heightreachedunto the heaven, and the sightthereof to allthe earth;21 Whose leaveswerefair, and the fruitthereof much, and in it wasmeatfor all; underwhich the beastsof the fielddwelt, and upon whose branchesthe fowlsof the heavenhad their habitation:22 It isthou, O king, that art grownand become strong: for thy greatnessis grown, and reachethunto heaven, and thy dominionto the endof the earth.23 And whereas the kingsawa watcherand an holy onecoming downfromheaven, and saying, Hewthe treedown, and destroyit; yetleavethe stumpof the rootsthereof in the earth, even with a bandof ironand brass, in the tender grassof the field; and let it be wetwith the dewof heaven, and lethis portionbewiththe beastsof the field, tillseventimespassover him;24 Thisisthe interpretation, O king, and thisisthe decreeof the most High, which is comeuponmy lordthe king:25 That they shall drivethee frommen, and thy dwellingshall bewiththe beastsof the field, and they shall make thee to eatgrassas oxen, and they shall wetthee with the dewof heaven, and seventimesshall passoverthee, tillthou knowthat the most Highrulethin the kingdomof men, and givethit to whomsoeverhe will.26 And whereas they commandedto leavethe stumpof the treeroots; thy kingdomshall be sureunto thee, afterthat thou shalt have knownthat the heavensdo rule.27 Wherefore, O king, let my counselbe acceptableunto thee, and break offthy sinsby righteousness, and thine iniquitiesby shewing mercyto the poor; ifit may bea lengtheningof thy tranquillity.na lengthening…: or, an healing of thine error
28 Allthis cameuponthe kingNebuchadnezzar.29 At the endof twelvemonthshe walkedinthe palaceof the kingdomof Babylon.nin: or, upon30 The kingspake, and said, Is notthisgreatBabylon, that Ihave builtfor the houseof the kingdomby the mightof my power, and for the honourof my majesty?31 Whilethe wordwasin the king'smouth, there fella voicefromheaven, saying, O kingNebuchadnezzar, to thee it is spoken; The kingdomis departedfrom thee.32 And they shall drivethee frommen, and thy dwellingshall bewiththe beastsof the field: they shall make thee to eatgrassas oxen, and seventimesshall passoverthee, untilthou knowthat the most Highrulethin the kingdomof men, and givethit to whomsoeverhe will.33 The same hourwas the thingfulfilleduponNebuchadnezzar: and he was drivenfrommen, and did eatgrassas oxen, and his bodywas wetwith the dewof heaven, tillhis hairswere grownlike eagles'feathers, and his nailslike birds'claws.34 And at the endof the daysINebuchadnezzarlifted upmine eyesunto heaven, and mine understandingreturnedunto me, and I blessedthe most High, and I praisedand honouredhim that livethfor ever, whose dominionisan everlastingdominion, and his kingdomisfromgenerationto generation:35 And allthe inhabitantsof the eartharereputedas nothing: and he doethaccording to his willin the armyof heaven, and amongthe inhabitantsof the earth: and nonecanstayhis hand, or sayunto him, Whatdoest thou?36 At the same timemy reasonreturnedunto me; and for the gloryof my kingdom, mine honourand brightnessreturnedunto me; and my counsellorsand my lordssoughtunto me; and I was establishedin my kingdom, and excellentmajestywas added unto me.37 NowINebuchadnezzarpraiseand extoland honourthe Kingof heaven, allwhose worksaretruth, and his waysjudgment: and those that walkin pridehe is ableto abase.