1 In the thirdyearof the reignof Jehoiakimkingof JudahcameNebuchadnezzarkingof Babylonunto Jerusalem, and besieged it.2 And the LordgaveJehoiakimkingof Judahinto his hand, with partof the vesselsof the houseof God: which he carriedinto the landof Shinarto the houseof his god; and he broughtthe vesselsinto the treasurehouseof his god.
3 And the kingspakeunto Ashpenazthe masterof his eunuchs, that he should bringcertainof the childrenof Israel, and of the king'sseed, and of the princes;4 Children in whom wasno blemish, but wellfavoured, and skilfulin all wisdom, and cunningin knowledge, and understandingscience, and such as hadabilityin them to standin the king'spalace, and whom they might teachthe learningand the tongueof the Chaldeans.5 And the kingappointedthem a dailyprovisionof the king'smeat, and of the winewhich he drank: so nourishingthem threeyears, that at the endthereof they might standbeforethe king.nthe wine…: Heb. the wine of his drink6 Now among these were of the childrenof Judah, Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah:7 Unto whom the princeof the eunuchsgavenames: for he gaveunto Danielthe nameof Belteshazzar; and to Hananiah, of Shadrach; and to Mishael, of Meshach; and to Azariah, of Abed–nego.
8 But Danielpurposedin his heartthat he would not defilehimself with the portionof the king'smeat, nor with the winewhich he drank: therefore he requestedof the princeof the eunuchsthat he might not defile himself.9 Now Godhad broughtDanielinto favourand tender lovewiththe princeof the eunuchs.10 And the princeof the eunuchssaidunto Daniel, I fearmy lordthe king, who hath appointedyour meatand your drink: for why should he seeyour facesworse likingthan the children which areof your sort? then shall ye make meendangermy headto the king.nworse…: Heb. saddernsort: or, term, or, continuance?11 Then saidDanielto Melzar, whom the princeof the eunuchshad setover Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah,nMelzar: or, the steward12 Provethy servants, I beseech thee, tendays; and let them giveus pulseto eat, and waterto drink.npulse: Heb. of pulsento eat…: Heb. that we may eat, etc13 Then let our countenancesbe looked uponbeforethee, and the countenanceof the childrenthat eatof the portionof the king'smeat: and as thou seest, dealwith thy servants.14 So he consentedto them in this matter, and provedthem tendays.15 And at the endof tendaystheir countenancesappearedfairerand fatterin fleshthan all the childrenwhich did eatthe portionof the king'smeat.16 Thus Melzartook awaythe portion of their meat, and the winethat they should drink; and gavethem pulse.
17 As for these fourchildren, Godgavethem knowledgeand skillin all learningand wisdom: and Danielhad understandingin all visionsand dreams.nDaniel…: or, he made Daniel understand18 Now at the endof the daysthat the kinghad saidhe should bringthem in, then the princeof the eunuchsbroughtthem in beforeNebuchadnezzar.19 And the kingcommunedwith them; and among them all was foundnone like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah: therefore stoodthey beforethe king.20 And in all mattersof wisdomandunderstanding, that the kingenquiredof them, he foundthem ten timesbetterthan all the magiciansandastrologers that werein all his realm.nwisdom…: Heb. wisdom of understanding21 And Daniel continued evenunto the firstyearof kingCyrus.