1 ForI wouldthatyeknewwhat greatconflictI haveforyou, andforthematLaodicea, andforas many ashavenotseenmyfaceinthe flesh;2 Thattheirheartsmight be comforted, being knit togetherinlove, anduntoallrichesof the full assuranceof understanding, tothe acknowledgementof the mysteryof God, andof the Father, andof Christ;3 Inwhomarehidallthe treasuresof wisdomandknowledge.4 AndthisI say, lestany manshould beguileyouwithenticing words.5 ForthoughI be absentin the flesh, yetam Iwithyouin the spirit, joyingandbeholdingyourorder, andthe stedfastnessof yourfaithinChrist.6 Asye havethereforereceivedChristJesusthe Lord, sowalk yeinhim:7 Rootedandbuilt upinhim, andstablishedinthe faith, asye have been taught, aboundingthereinwiththanksgiving.8 Bewarelestany manspoilyouthroughphilosophyandvaindeceit, afterthe traditionof men, afterthe rudimentsof the world, andnotafterChrist.9 Forinhimdwellethallthe fulnessof the Godheadbodily.10 Andye arecompleteinhim, whichisthe headof allprincipalityandpower:11 Inwhomalsoye are circumcisedwith the circumcisionmade without hands, inputting offthe bodyof the sinsof the fleshbythe circumcisionof Christ:12 Buried withhiminbaptism, whereinalsoye are risen withhimthroughthe faithof the operationof God, who hath raisedhimfromthe dead.13 Andyou, beingdeadinyoursinsandthe uncircumcisionof yourflesh, hath he quickened togetherwithhim, having forgivenyoualltrespasses;14 Blotting outthe handwritingof ordinancesthatwasagainstus, which was contraryto us, andtookitout ofthe way, nailingitto his cross;15 Andhaving spoiledprincipalitiesandpowers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing overtheminit.16 Letnomanthereforejudgeyouinmeat, orindrink, orinrespectof an holyday, orof the new moon, orof the sabbathdays: 17 Whicharea shadowof things to come; butthe bodyisof Christ.18 Let no manbeguileyouof your rewardina voluntaryhumilityandworshippingof angels, intruding intothose things whichhe hathnotseen, vainlypuffed upbyhisfleshlymind,19 Andnotholdingthe Head, fromwhichallthe bodybyjointsandbandshaving nourishment ministered, andknit together, increaseth withthe increaseof God.20 Whereforeifye be deadwithChristfromthe rudimentsof the world, why, as thoughlivinginthe world, are ye subject to ordinances,21 (Touchnot; tastenot; handlenot;22 Whichallaretoperishwith the using;) afterthe commandmentsanddoctrinesof men?23 Whichthingshaveindeeda shewof wisdominwill worship, andhumility, andneglectingof the body; notinanyhonourtothe satisfyingof the flesh.