1 Havingthereforethesepromises, dearly beloved, let us cleanseourselvesfromallfilthinessof the fleshandspirit, perfectingholinessinthe fearof God.2 Receiveus; we have wrongedno man, we have corruptedno man, we have defraudedno man.3 I speaknotthistocondemnyou: forI have said before, thatye areinourheartstodieandlive withyou. 4 Greatismyboldness of speechtowardyou, greatismygloryingofyou: I am filledwith comfort, I am exceedingjoyfulinallourtribulation.5 For, whenwe were comeintoMacedonia, ourfleshhadnorest, butwewere troubledonevery side; withoutwerefightings, withinwerefears.6 NeverthelessGod, that comforteththosethat are cast down, comfortedusbythe comingof Titus;7 Andnotbyhiscomingonly, butbythe consolationwherewithhe was comfortedinyou, when he toldusyourearnest desire, yourmourning, yourfervent mindtowardme; so thatIrejoicedthe more.8 Forthough I madeyou sorry witha letter, I donotrepent, thoughI did repent: forI perceivethatthe sameepistlehath madeyousorry, thoughit werebutfora season.9 NowI rejoice, notthatye were made sorry, butthatye sorrowedtorepentance: forye were made sorryaftera godly manner, thatye might receive damagebyusinnothing.10 Forgodlysorrowworkethrepentancetosalvationnot to be repented of: butthe sorrowof the worldworkethdeath.11 Forbeholdthisselfsame thing, thatyesorrowedaftera godly sort, whatcarefulnessit wroughtin you, yea, whatclearing of yourselves, yea, whatindignation, yea, whatfear, yea, whatvehement desire, yea, whatzeal, yea, whatrevenge! Inallthingsye have approvedyourselvesto beclearinthis matter.12 Wherefore, thoughI wroteunto you, I did itnotfor his causethathad done the wrong, norfor his causethat suffered wrong, butthat ourcareforyouin the sightof Godmight appearuntoyou.13 Thereforewe were comfortedinyourcomfort: yea, andexceedinglythe morejoyed weforthe joyof Titus, becausehisspiritwas refreshedbyyouall.14 ForifI have boastedany thingto himofyou, I amnotashamed; butaswe spakeall thingsto youintruth, evensoourboasting, whichI madebeforeTitus, is founda truth.15 Andhisinward affectionismore abundanttowardyou, whilst he remembereththe obedienceof youall, howwithfearandtremblingye receivedhim.16 I rejoicethereforethatI have confidenceinyouinallthings.