1 Thereforeseeingwe havethisministry, aswe have received mercy, we faintnot;2 Buthave renouncedthe hidden thingsof dishonesty, notwalkingincraftiness, norhandlingthe wordof Goddeceitfully; butby manifestationof the truthcommendingourselvestoeveryman'sconsciencein the sight ofGod.3 Butifourgospelbe hid, it ishidtothemthat arelost:4 Inwhomthe godof thisworldhath blindedthe mindsof them which believe not, lestthe lightof the gloriousgospelof Christ, whoisthe imageof God, should shineunto them.5 Forwe preachnotourselves, butChristJesusthe Lord; andourselvesyourservantsforJesus' sake.6 ForGod, whocommandedthe lightto shineout ofdarkness, hath shinedinourhearts, togivethe lightof the knowledgeof the gloryof Godinthe faceof JesusChrist.7 Butwe havethistreasureinearthenvessels, thatthe excellencyof the powermay beof God, andnotofus.8 We aretroubledonevery side, yetnotdistressed; we areperplexed, butnotin despair;9 Persecuted, butnotforsaken; cast down, butnotdestroyed;10 Alwaysbearing aboutinthe bodythe dyingof the LordJesus, thatthe lifealsoof Jesusmight be made manifestinourbody.11 Forwewhich liveare alwaydelivereduntodeathforJesus' sake, thatthe lifealsoof Jesusmight be made manifestinourmortalflesh.12 So thendeathworkethinus, butlifeinyou.13 Wehavingthe samespiritof faith, according asit is written, I believed, and thereforehave I spoken; wealsobelieve, andthereforespeak;14 Knowingthathe whichraised upthe LordJesusshall raise upusalsobyJesus, andshall presentuswithyou.15 Forall thingsareforyour sakes, thatthe abundantgracemightthroughthe thanksgivingof manyredoundtothe gloryof God.16 For which causewe faintnot; butthoughouroutwardmanperish, yetthe inwardmanis reneweddaybyday.17 Forourlightaffliction, which is but for a moment, workethfor usa farmore exceedingandeternalweightof glory;18 While welooknotat the thingswhich are seen, butat the thingswhich arenotseen: forthe thingswhich are seenaretemporal; butthe thingswhich arenotseenareeternal.