1 Nowas touchingthings offered unto idols, we knowthatweallhaveknowledge. Knowledgepuffeth up, butcharityedifieth.2 Andifany manthinkthat he knowethany thing, he knowethnothingyetashe oughtto know.3 Butifany manloveGod, the sameis knownofhim.4 As concerningthereforethe eatingof those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we knowthatan idolisnothinginthe world, andthatthere isnoneotherGodbutone.5 Forthoughthere bethat are calledgods, whetherinheavenorinearth, (asthere begodsmany, andlordsmany,)6 Butto usthere is butoneGod, the Father, ofwhomareall things, andweinhim; andoneLordJesusChrist, bywhomareall things, andwebyhim.7 Howbeitthere isnotinevery manthat knowledge: forsomewith conscienceof the idoluntothis houreatitasa thing offered unto an idol; andtheirconsciencebeingweakis defiled.8 Butmeatcommendethusnotto God: forneither, ifwe eat, are we the better; neither, ifwe eatnot, are we the worse.9 Buttake heedlest by any meansthislibertyof yoursbecomea stumblingblockto themthat are weak.10 Forifany manseetheewhich hastknowledgesit at meatinthe idol's temple, shallnotthe conscienceof himwhich isweakbe emboldenedto eatthose things which are offered to idols;11 Andthroughthyknowledgeshallthe weakbrotherperish, forwhomChristdied?12 Butwhen ye sinsoagainstthe brethren, andwoundtheirweakconscience, ye sinagainstChrist.13 Wherefore, ifmeatmakemybrotherto offend, I will eatnofleshwhilethe world standeth, lestI makemybrothertooffend.