1 Dareanyof you, havinga matteragainstanother, go to lawbeforethe unjust, andnotbeforethe saints?2 Do yenotknowthatthe saintsshall judgethe world? andifthe worldshall be judgedbyyou, are yeunworthyto judgethe smallest matters?3 Know yenotthatwe shall judgeangels? how muchmorethings that pertain to this life?4 Ifthenye havejudgmentsof things pertaining to this life, setthemto judge who are least esteemedinthe church.5 I speaktoyourshame. Is itso, that there is nota wise man amongyou? no, notonethatshall be ableto judgebetweenhisbrethren?6 Butbrothergoeth to lawwithbrother, andthatbeforethe unbelievers.7 Nowthereforethere isutterlya faultamongyou, becauseye goto lawone withanother. Whydo yenotrathertake wrong? whydo yenotrathersuffer yourselves tobe defrauded?8 Nay, yedo wrong, anddefraud, andthatyourbrethren.9 Know yenotthatthe unrighteousshallnotinheritthe kingdomof God? Benotdeceived: neitherfornicators, noridolaters, noradulterers, noreffeminate, norabusers of themselves with mankind,10 Northieves, norcovetous, nordrunkards, norrevilers, norextortioners, shallinheritthe kingdomof God.11 Andsuchweresome of you: butye are washed, butye are sanctified, butye are justifiedinthe nameof the LordJesus, andbythe Spiritof ourGod.12 All thingsare lawfulunto me, butall thingsarenotexpedient: all thingsare lawfulfor me, butIwillnotbe brought under the powerofany.13 Meatsfor the belly, andthe bellyfor meats: butGodshall destroybothitandthem. Nowthe bodyisnotfor fornication, butfor the Lord; andthe Lordfor the body.14 AndGodhathbothraised upthe Lord, andwill also raise upusbyhis ownpower.15 Know yenotthatyourbodiesarethe membersof Christ? shall Ithentakethe membersof Christ, and makethemthe membersof an harlot? Godforbid.16 What? know yenotthathe whichis joinedto an harlotisonebody? fortwo, saith he, shall beoneflesh.17 Buthe thatis joinedunto the Lordisonespirit.18 Fleefornication. Everysinthata mandoethiswithoutthe body; buthe thatcommitteth fornicationsinnethagainsthis ownbody.19 What? know yenotthatyourbodyisthe templeof the HolyGhostwhich isinyou, whichye haveofGod, andye arenotyour own?20 Forye are boughtwith a price: thereforeglorifyGodinyourbody, andinyourspirit, whichareGod's.