1 Moreover, brethren, I declareunto youthe gospelwhichI preachedunto you, whichalsoye have received, andwhereinye stand;2 Bywhichalsoye are saved, ifye keep in memorywhatI preachedunto you, unlessye have believedin vain.3 ForI deliveredunto youfirst of allthat whichIalsoreceived, how thatChristdiedforoursinsaccording tothe scriptures;4 Andthathe was buried, andthathe rose againthe thirddayaccording tothe scriptures:5 Andthathe was seenof Cephas, thenof the twelve:6 After that, he was seenof abovefive hundredbrethrenat once; ofwhomthe greater partremainuntothis present, butsomeare fallen asleep.7 After that, he was seenof James; thenof allthe apostles.8 Andlastof allhe was seenof me also, asof oneborn out of due time.9 ForIamthe leastof the apostles, thatamnotmeetto be calledan apostle, becauseI persecutedthe churchof God.10 Butby the graceof GodI amwhatI am: andhisgrace which was bestoweduponmewasnotin vain; butI labouredmore abundantlythan theyall: yetnotI, butthe graceof Godwhich waswithme.11 Thereforewhetherit wereIorthey, sowe preach, andsoye believed.12 NowifChristbe preachedthathe rosefromthe dead, howsaysomeamongyouthatthere isnoresurrectionof the dead?13 Butifthere benoresurrectionof the dead, thenisChristnotrisen:14 AndifChristbenotrisen, thenisourpreachingvain, andyourfaithisalsovain.15 Yea, andwe are foundfalse witnessesof God; becausewe have testifiedofGodthathe raised upChrist: whomhe raisednotup, if sobe thatthe deadrisenot.16 Forifthe deadrisenot, thenisnotChristraised:17 AndifChristbenotraised, yourfaithisvain; ye areyetinyoursins.18 Thentheyalsowhich are fallen asleepinChristare perished.19 Ifinthislifeonlywe havehopeinChrist, we areof allmenmost miserable.20 Butnowis Christrisenfromthe dead, andbecomethe firstfruitsof themthat slept.21 Forsincebymancamedeath, bymancamealsothe resurrectionof the dead.22 ForasinAdamalldie, evensoinChristshallallbe made alive.23 Butevery maninhis ownorder: Christthe firstfruits; afterwardthey that areChrist'sathiscoming.24 Thencomeththe end, whenhe shall have delivered upthe kingdomto God, eventhe Father; whenhe shall have put downallruleandallauthorityandpower.25 Forhemustreign, tillhehath putallenemiesunderhisfeet.26 The lastenemythatshall be destroyedisdeath.27 Forhe hath putall thingsunderhisfeet. Butwhenhe saithall thingsare put underhim, it ismanifestthathe is exceptedwhichdid putall thingsunderhim.28 Andwhenall thingsshall be subduedunto him, thenshallthe Sonalsohimselfbe subjectunto himthat putall thingsunder him, thatGodmay beallinall.29 Elsewhatshall they dowhichare baptizedforthe dead, ifthe deadrisenotat all? whyare theythenbaptizedforthe dead?30 Andwhystandwein jeopardyeveryhour?31 I protest byyourrejoicingwhichI haveinChristJesusourLord, I diedaily.32 Ifafter the mannerof menI have fought with beastsatEphesus, whatadvantageth itme, ifthe deadrisenot? let us eatanddrink; forto morrowwe die.33 Benotdeceived: evilcommunicationscorruptgoodmanners.34 Awaketo righteousness, andsinnot; forsomehavenot the knowledgeof God: I speakthistoyourshame.35 Butsomemanwill say, Howarethe deadraised up? andwith whatbodydo they come?36 Thoufool, that whichthousowestisnotquickened, exceptit die:37 Andthatwhichthou sowest, thou sowestnotthatbodythatshall be, butbaregrain, it may chanceof wheat, orof someothergrain: 38 ButGodgivethita bodyasit hath pleased him, andto everyseedhis ownbody.39 Allfleshisnotthe sameflesh: butthere isonekind offleshof men, anotherfleshof beasts, anotherof fishes, andanotherof birds.40 There arealsocelestialbodies, andbodiesterrestrial: butthe gloryof the celestialisone, andthegloryof the terrestrialisanother.41 There isonegloryof the sun, andanothergloryof the moon, andanothergloryof the stars: foronestardiffereth fromanotherstaringlory.42 Soalsoisthe resurrectionof the dead. It is sownincorruption; it is raisedinincorruption:43 It is sownindishonour; it is raisedinglory: it is sowninweakness; it is raisedinpower:44 It is sowna naturalbody; it is raiseda spiritualbody. There isa naturalbody, andthere isa spiritualbody.45 Andsoit is written, The firstmanAdamwas madea livingsoul; the lastAdamwas madea quickeningspirit.46 Howbeit thatwasnotfirstwhichis spiritual, butthat whichis natural; and afterwardthat whichis spiritual.47 The firstmanisofthe earth, earthy: the secondmanisthe Lordfromheaven.48 Asisthe earthy, sucharetheyalsothat are earthy: andasisthe heavenly, sucharetheyalsothat are heavenly.49 Andaswe have bornethe imageof the earthy, we shallalsobearthe imageof the heavenly.50 NowthisI say, brethren, thatfleshandbloodcannotinheritthe kingdomof God; neitherdothcorruptioninheritincorruption.51 Behold, I shewyoua mystery; We shallnotallsleep, butwe shallallbe changed,52 Ina moment, inthe twinklingof an eye, atthe lasttrump: forthe trumpet shall sound, andthe deadshall be raisedincorruptible, andweshall be changed.53 Forthiscorruptiblemustput onincorruption, andthismortalmustput onimmortality.54 Sowhenthiscorruptibleshall have put onincorruption, andthismortalshall have put onimmortality, thenshall be brought to passthe sayingthatis written, Deathis swallowed upinvictory.55 O death, whereisthysting? O grave, whereisthyvictory?56 The stingof deathissin; andthe strengthof sinisthe law.57 Butthanksbeto God, which givethusthe victorythroughourLordJesusChrist.58 Therefore, mybelovedbrethren, be yestedfast, unmoveable, alwaysaboundinginthe workof the Lord, forasmuch as ye knowthatyourlabourisnotin vaininthe Lord.