1 Be yefollowersof me, even asI alsoamof Christ.2 NowI praiseyou, brethren, thatye remembermein all things, andkeepthe ordinances, asI deliveredthemto you.3 ButI would haveyouknow, thatthe headof everymanisChrist; andthe headof the womanisthe man; andthe headof ChristisGod.4 Everymanprayingorprophesying, havinghisheadcovered, dishonourethhishead.5 Buteverywomanthat prayethorprophesiethwithherheaduncovereddishonourethherhead: forthat iseven alloneas ifshewere shaven.6 Forifthe womanbenotcovered, let heralsobe shorn: butifit be a shamefor a womanto be shornorshaven, let her be covered.7 Fora manindeedoughtnotto coverhishead, forasmuch as he isthe imageandgloryof God: butthe womanisthe gloryof the man.8 Forthe manisnotofthe woman; butthe womanofthe man.9 Neitherwasthe mancreatedforthe woman; butthe womanforthe man.10 Forthis causeoughtthe womanto havepoweronherheadbecause ofthe angels.11 Neverthelessneitheris the manwithoutthe woman, neitherthe womanwithoutthe man, inthe Lord.12 Forasthe womanisofthe man, even soisthe manalsobythe woman; butall thingsofGod.13 Judgeinyourselves: is itcomelythat a womanprayunto Goduncovered?14 Dothnotevennatureitselfteachyou, that, ifa manhave long hair, it isa shameunto him?15 Butifa womanhave long hair, it isa gloryto her: forherhairis givenherfora covering.16 Butifany manseemto becontentious, wehavenosuchcustom, neitherthe churchesof God.17 Nowin thisthat I declareunto youI praiseyounot, thatye come togethernotforthe better, butforthe worse.18 Forfirst of all, whenyecome togetherinthe church, I hearthat there bedivisionsamongyou; andIpartlybelieveit.19 Fortheremustbealsoheresiesamongyou, thatthey whichare approvedmay be mademanifestamongyou.20 Whenyecome togetherthereforeintoone place, thisisnotto eatthe Lord'ssupper.21 Forineatingevery onetaketh beforeotherhis ownsupper: andoneis hungry, andanotheris drunken.22 What? have yenothousestoeatandto drink in? ordespise yethe churchof God, andshamethemthat havenot? Whatshall I sayto you? shall I praiseyouinthis? I praiseyounot.23 ForIhave receivedofthe Lordthat whichalsoI deliveredunto you, Thatthe LordJesus the samenightinwhichhe was betrayedtookbread:24 Andwhen he had given thanks, he brakeit, andsaid, Take, eat: thisismybody, which is brokenforyou: thisdoinremembranceof me.25 After the same manneralsohe tookthe cup, whenhe had supped, saying, Thiscupisthe newtestamentinmyblood: thisdo ye, as oftas ye drinkit, inremembranceof me.26 Foras often asye eatthisbread, anddrinkthiscup, ye do shewthe Lord'sdeathtillhe come.27 Whereforewhosoevershall eatthisbread, anddrinkthiscupof the Lord, unworthily, shall beguilty ofthe bodyandbloodof the Lord.28 Butleta manexaminehimself, andsolet him eatofthatbread, anddrinkofthatcup.29 Forhethat eatethanddrinkethunworthily, eatethanddrinkethdamnationto himself, notdiscerningthe Lord'sbody.30 Forthis causemanyareweakandsicklyamongyou, andmanysleep.31 Forifwe would judgeourselves, we shouldnotbe judged.32 Butwhen we are judged, we are chastenedofthe Lord, thatwe shouldnotbe condemnedwiththe world.33 Wherefore, mybrethren, when ye come togethertoeat, tarry onefor another.34 Andifany manhunger, let him eatathome; thatye comenottogetheruntocondemnation. Andthe restwill I set in orderwhenI come.