1 Thus saiththe Lord; For threetransgressionsof Moab, and for four, I will not turn awaythe punishmentthereof; because he burnedthe bonesof the kingof Edominto lime:2 But I will senda fireupon Moab, and it shall devourthe palacesof Kerioth: and Moabshall diewith tumult, with shouting, andwith the soundof the trumpet:3 And I will cut offthe judgefrom the midstthereof, and will slayall the princesthereof with him, saiththe Lord.
4 Thus saiththe Lord; For threetransgressionsof Judah, and for four, I will not turn awaythe punishmentthereof; because they have despisedthe lawof the Lord, and have not kepthis commandments, and their liescaused them to err, afterthe which their fathershave walked:5 But I will senda fireupon Judah, and it shall devourthe palacesof Jerusalem.
6 Thus saiththe Lord; For threetransgressionsof Israel, and for four, I will not turn awaythe punishmentthereof; because they soldthe righteousfor silver, and the poorfor a pair of shoes;7 That pantafter the dustof the earthon the headof the poor, and turn asidethe wayof the meek: and a manand his fatherwill go in unto the samemaid, to profanemy holyname:nmaid: or, young woman8 And they lay themselvesdownupon clotheslaid to pledgebyevery altar, and they drinkthe wineof the condemnedinthe houseof their god.nthe condemned: or, such as have fined, or, mulcted
9 Yet destroyedI the Amoritebeforethem, whose heightwaslike the heightof the cedars, and he wasstrongas the oaks; yet I destroyedhis fruitfrom above, and his roots from beneath.10 Also I brought you upfrom the landof Egypt, and ledyou fortyyearsthrough the wilderness, to possessthe landof the Amorite.11 And I raised upof your sonsfor prophets, and of your young menfor Nazarites. Is itnot even thus, O ye childrenof Israel? saiththe Lord.12 But ye gave the Nazariteswineto drink; and commandedthe prophets, saying, Prophesy not.13 Behold, I am pressedunder you, as a cartis pressedthat isfullof sheaves.nI am…: or, I will press your place, as a cart full of sheaves presseth14 Therefore the flightshall perishfrom the swift, and the strongshall not strengthenhis force, neither shall the mightydeliverhimself:nhimself: Heb. his soul, or, life15 Neither shall he standthat handleththe bow; and he that isswiftof footshall not deliverhimself: neither shall he that rideththe horsedeliverhimself.16 And he that iscourageousamong the mightyshall flee awaynakedin that day, saiththe Lord.ncourageous: Heb. strong of his heart