1 Buta certainmannamedAnanias, withSapphirahiswife, solda possession,2 Andkept backpartofthe price, hiswifealsobeing privyto it, andbroughta certainpart, and laiditatthe apostles'feet.3 ButPetersaid, Ananias, whyhathSatanfilledthineheartto lieto theHolyGhost, andto keep backpartofthe priceof the land?4 Whiles it remained, was itnotthine own? andafter it was sold, was itnotinthine ownpower? whyhast thou conceivedthisthinginthineheart? thou hastnotliedunto men, butunto God.5 AndAnaniashearingthesewordsfell down, and gave up the ghost: andgreatfearcameonallthemthatheardthese things.6 Andthe young menarose, woundhimup, andcarriedhimout, andburiedhim. 7 Andit wasaboutthe spaceof threehours after, when hiswife, notknowingwhatwas done, came in.8 AndPeteransweredunto her, Tellmewhetherye soldthe landfor so much? Andshe said, Yea, for so much.9 ThenPetersaiduntoher, How is itthatyehave agreed togetherto temptthe Spiritof the Lord? behold, the feetof themwhich have buriedthyhusbandareatthe door, andshall carrytheeout.10 Thenfell she downstraightwayathisfeet, andyielded up the ghost: andthe young mencame in, andfoundherdead, and, carryingherforth, buriedherbyherhusband.11 Andgreatfearcameuponallthe church, anduponas many asheardthese things.
12 Andbythe handsof the apostlesweremanysignsandwonderswrought amongthe people; (andthey wereallwith one accordinSolomon'sporch.13 Andof the restdurstno manjoin himselfto them: butthe peoplemagnifiedthem.14 Andbelieverswerethe moreaddedto the Lord, multitudesbothof menandwomen.)15 Insomuch thatthey brought forththe sickinto the streets, andlaidthemonbedsandcouches, thatat the leastthe shadowof Peterpassing bymight overshadowsomeof them.16 There camealsoa multitudeoutof the citiesround aboutuntoJerusalem, bringingsick folks, andthemwhichwere vexedwithuncleanspirits: and they were healedevery one.
17 Thenthe high priestrose up, andallthey that werewithhim, (which isthe sectof the Sadducees,) and were filledwith indignation,18 Andlaidtheirhandsonthe apostles, andputtheminthe commonprison.19 Butthe angelof the Lordbynightopenedthe prisondoors, andbroughtthemforth, and said,20 Go, standandspeakinthe templeto the peopleallthe wordsofthislife.21 Andwhen they heardthat, they enteredintothe templeearly in the morning, andtaught. Butthe high priestcame, andthey that werewithhim, andcalledthe counciltogether, andallthe senateof the childrenof Israel, andsenttothe prisonto havethembrought.22 Butwhenthe officerscame, andfoundthemnotinthe prison, they returned, andtold,23 Saying, The prisontrulyfound weshutwithallsafety, andthe keepersstandingwithoutbeforethe doors: butwhen we had opened, we foundno manwithin.24 Nowwhenthe high priestandthe captainof the templeandthe chief priestsheardthesethings, they doubtedofthemwhereuntothiswould grow.25 Thencameoneandtoldthem, saying, Behold, the menwhomye putinprisonarestandinginthe temple, andteachingthe people.26 Thenwentthe captainwiththe officers, andbroughtthemwithoutviolence: forthey fearedthe people, lestthey should have been stoned.27 Andwhen they had broughtthem, they setthembeforethe council: andthe high priestaskedthem,28 Saying, Did notwestraitlycommandyouthat ye shouldnotteachinthisname? and, behold, ye have filledJerusalemwithyourdoctrine, andintendto bringthisman'sblooduponus.
29 ThenPeterandtheotherapostlesansweredandsaid, Weoughtto obeyGodratherthanmen.30 The Godofourfathersraised upJesus, whomyeslew and hangedona tree.31 HimhathGodexaltedwithhisright handto bea Princeanda Saviour, for to giverepentanceto Israel, andforgivenessof sins.32 Andwearehiswitnessesofthesethings; andso isalsotheHolyGhost, whomGodhath givento themthatobeyhim.
33 Whenthey heardthat, they were cutto the heart, andtook counselto slaythem.34 Thenstood there uponeinthe council, a Pharisee, namedGamaliel, a doctor of the law, had in reputationamongallthe people, and commandedto putthe apostlesfortha little space;35 Andsaiduntothem, Ye menof Israel, take heedto yourselveswhatye intendto doas touchingthesemen.36 Forbeforethesedaysrose upTheudas, boastinghimselfto besomebody; to whoma numberof men, aboutfour hundred, joined themselves: whowas slain; andall, as many asobeyedhim, were scattered, andbroughttonought.37 Afterthisman rose upJudasof Galileeinthe daysof the taxing, anddrew awaymuchpeopleafterhim: he alsoperished; andall, evenas many asobeyedhim, were dispersed.38 AndnowI sayunto you, Refrainfromthesemen, andletthemalone: forifthiscounselorthisworkbeofmen, it will come to nought:39 Butifit beofGod, ye cannotoverthrowit; lest haplyye be foundevento fight against God.40 Andto himthey agreed: andwhen they had calledthe apostles, andbeatenthem, they commandedthat they shouldnotspeakinthe nameof Jesus, andletthemgo.
41 Andthey departedfromthe presenceof the council, rejoicingthatthey were counted worthyto suffer shameforhisname.42 Anddailyinthe temple, andineveryhouse, they ceasednotto teachandpreachJesusChrist.