1 NowPeterandJohnwent uptogetherintothe templeatthe hourof prayer, beingthe ninthhour.2 Anda certainmanlamefromhismother'swombwas carried, whomthey laiddailyatthe gateof the templewhichis calledBeautiful, to askalmsofthemthat enteredintothe temple;3 WhoseeingPeterandJohnabout togointothe templeaskedan alms.4 AndPeter, fastening his eyesuponhimwithJohn, said, Lookonus.5 Andhegave heed untothem, expectingto receivesomethingofthem.6 ThenPetersaid, SilverandgoldhaveInone; butsuch asI havegive Ithee: Inthe nameof JesusChristof Nazarethrise upandwalk.7 Andhe tookhimbythe righthand, andliftedhimup: andimmediatelyhisfeetandancle bonesreceived strength.8 Andheleaping upstood, andwalked, andenteredwiththemintothe temple, walking, andleaping, andpraisingGod.9 Andallthe peoplesawhimwalkingandpraisingGod:10 Andthey knewthatitwashewhichsatforalmsatthe Beautifulgateof the temple: andthey were filledwith wonderandamazementatthat whichhad happenedunto him.11 And as the lamemanwhich was healedheldPeterandJohn, allthe peopleran togetheruntotheminthe porchthat is calledSolomon's, greatly wondering.
12 AndwhenPetersawit, he answereduntothe people, Ye menof Israel, whymarvel yeatthis? orwhylook ye so earnestlyon us, asthough by ourownpowerorholinesswe had madethismanto walk?13 The Godof Abraham, andof Isaac, andof Jacob, the Godof ourfathers, hath glorifiedhisSonJesus; whomyedelivered up, anddeniedhiminthe presenceof Pilate, whenhewas determinedto lethimgo.14 Butyedeniedthe Holy Oneandthe Just, anddesireda murdererto be grantedunto you;15 Andkilledthe Princeof life, whomGodhath raisedfromthe dead; whereofwearewitnesses.16 Andhisnamethroughfaithinhisnamehath madethis manstrong, whomye seeandknow: yea, the faithwhichis byhimhath givenhimthisperfect soundnessin the presenceof youall.17 Andnow, brethren, I wotthatthroughignoranceye didit, asdidalsoyourrulers.18 Butthose things, whichGodbefore had shewedbythe mouthof allhisprophets, thatChristshould suffer, he hathsofulfilled.
19 Repent yetherefore, andbe converted, thatyoursinsmay be blotted out, whenthe timesof refreshingshall comefromthe presenceof the Lord;20 Andhe shall sendJesusChrist, which before was preachedunto you:21 Whomthe heavenmustreceiveuntilthe timesof restitutionof all things, whichGodhath spokenbythe mouthof allhisholyprophetssincethe world began.22 ForMosestrulysaiduntothe fathers, A prophetshallthe LordyourGodraise upunto youofyourbrethren, like untome; himshall ye hearinall thingswhatsoeverhe shall sayuntoyou.23 Andit shall come to pass, thateverysoul, whichwillnothearthatprophet, shall be destroyedfromamong the people.24 Yea, andallthe prophetsfromSamuelandthose that follow after, as many ashave spoken, havelikewiseforetoldofthesedays.25 Yearethe childrenof the prophets, andof the covenantwhichGodmadewithourfathers, sayinguntoAbraham, Andinthyseedshallallthe kindredsof the earthbe blessed.26 Unto youfirstGod, having raised uphisSonJesus, senthimto blessyou, inturning awayevery one of youfromhisiniquities.