1 AndPaul, earnestly beholdingthe council, said, Menandbrethren, Ihave livedin allgoodconsciencebefore Goduntilthisday.2 Andthe high priestAnaniascommandedthem thatstood byhimto smitehimon the mouth.3 ThensaidPauluntohim, Godshallsmitethee, thouwhitedwall: forsittestthouto judgemeafterthe law, andcommandestmeto be smittencontrary to the law?4 Andthey thatstood bysaid, Revilest thouGod'shigh priest?5 ThensaidPaul, I wistnot, brethren, thathe wasthe high priest: forit is written, Thou shaltnotspeakevilof the rulerof thypeople.6 Butwhen Paulperceivedthatthe onepartwereSadducees, andthe otherPharisees, he cried outinthe council, Menandbrethren, Iama Pharisee, the sonof a Pharisee: ofthe hopeandresurrectionof the deadIam called in question.7 Andwhenhehad so said, there arosea dissensionbetween the Phariseesandthe Sadducees: andthe multitudewas divided.8 Forthe Sadduceessay thatthere isnoresurrection, neitherangel, norspirit: butthe Phariseesconfessboth.9 Andthere arosea greatcry: andthe scribesthat wereof the Pharisees'partarose, and strove, saying, We findnoevilinthisman: butifa spiritoran angelhath spokento him, let usnotfight against God.10 Andwhen there arosea greatdissension, the chief captain, fearinglestPaulshould have been pulled in piecesofthem, commandedthe soldiersto go down, and to takehimby forcefromamongthem, andto bringhimintothe castle.11 Andthe nightfollowingthe Lordstoodby him, and said, Be of good cheer, Paul: foras thou hast testifiedofmeinJerusalem, somustthoubear witnessalsoatRome.12 Andwhen it wasday, certainof the Jewsbandedtogether, and boundthemselvesunder a curse, saying thatthey wouldneithereatnordrinktillthey had killedPaul.13 Andthey weremorethan fortywhichhad madethisconspiracy.14 And theycameto the chief priestsandelders, and said, We have boundourselvesunder a great curse, that we will eatnothinguntilwe have slainPaul.15 Nowthereforeyewiththe councilsignifyto the chief captainthathe bringhimdownuntoyouto morrow, as thoughye wouldenquiresomething more perfectlyconcerninghim: andwe, or everhecome near, arereadyto killhim.16 And whenPaul'ssister'ssonheardof their lying in wait, he wentandenteredintothe castle, and toldPaul.17 ThenPaulcalledoneof the centurions unto him, and said, Bringthisyoung manuntothe chief captain: forhe hatha certain thingto tellhim.18 Sohe tookhim, and broughthimtothe chief captain, andsaid, Paulthe prisonercalledmeuntohim, and prayed meto bringthisyoung manuntothee, who hathsomethingto sayunto thee.19 Thenthe chief captaintookhimby the hand, andwentwith himasideprivately, and askedhim, Whatisthatthou hastto tellme?20 Andhe said, The Jewshave agreedto desiretheethatthou wouldest bring downPaulto morrowintothe council, as thoughthey would enquiresomewhatofhimmoreperfectly.21 Butdonotthouyieldunto them: forthere lie in waitfor himofthemmorethan fortymen, whichhave boundthemselveswith an oath, thatthey willneithereatnordrinktillthey have killedhim: andnoware theyready, looking fora promisefromthee.22 Sothe chief captainthenletthe young mandepart, and chargedhim, See thoutellno manthatthou hast shewedthese thingstome.23 Andhecalled unto himtwocenturions, saying, Make readytwo hundredsoldierstogotoCæsarea, andhorsementhreescore and ten, andspearmentwo hundred, atthe thirdhourof the night;24 Andprovidethembeasts, thatthey may setPaulon, and bringhimsafeuntoFelixthe governor.25 And he wrotea letterafterthismanner:26 ClaudiusLysiasunto the most excellentgovernorFelixsendethgreeting.27 Thismanwas takenofthe Jews, andshouldhave been killedofthem: then came Iwithan army, and rescuedhim, having understoodthathe wasa Roman.28 Andwhen I wouldhave knownthe causewhereforethey accusedhim, I broughthimforthintotheircouncil:29 WhomI perceivedto be accusedofquestionsof theirlaw, butto havenothinglaid to his chargeworthyof deathorof bonds.30 Andwhen it was toldmehowthatthe Jewslaid waitforthe man, I sentstraightwaytothee, and gave commandmentto his accusersalsoto saybeforetheewhatthey hadagainsthim. Farewell.31 Thenthe soldiers, asit was commandedthem, tookPaul, and broughthimbynighttoAntipatris.32 Onthe morrowthey leftthe horsemento gowithhim, and returnedtothe castle:33 Who, when they cametoCæsarea, anddeliveredthe epistleto the governor, presentedPaulalsobefore him.34 Andwhenthe governorhad readthe letter, he askedofwhatprovincehe was. Andwhen he understoodthathe wasofCilicia;35 I will hearthee, said he, whenthineaccusersare alsocome. Andhe commandedhimto be keptinHerod'sjudgment hall.